Contact Us


If you are an organisation who is interested in partnering with us for a L&D initiative, or you would like an event keynote, please complete the contact form below.

We promise to get back in touch with you within 48 hours - except on weekends...we take our weekends seriously!

If you would prefer to chat, call us on +353877996505.

We are based in Ireland and in the GMT time zone. If we can’t pick up please send us a text message (please don’t leave a voicemail – we don’t listen to them) and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

If you would like to write for us, make a recommendation or if there is something that you would like us to let us know fill out the above Contact Us form. We check your messages every Thursday between 10am –11am.

We do our best to get back to everyone so bear with us...

Interested in learning more about A Career to Love?

Reach me on Instagram